Virtual Reality Medical Training

The goal of this research and development project was to create an interactive and realistic medical event virtual reality application as a proof of concept for using BeBop Haptic Gloves as an input method, and to determine how viable and useful remote delivery of training would be and identify the strengths and weaknesses of VR at performing these tasks.

The application scenario was that of a clinical assessment and ultrasound examination of a shoulder joint; The VR user is presented with patient with a soft, mobile and non-tender sebaceous lump on the anterior surface of the shoulder. The scenario tasks were designed to allow the user/trainee to interact physically with 3D items and the 3D patient model, utilising the sense of touch and feel to successfully grab, hold and manipulate limbs and tools for examination as well as learn appropriate communication skills.

Our Hands On Approach

The scenario that we devised allowed the user to address the suffering patient and, using haptic gloves, examine the patient’s shoulder lump, then while stabilising the shoulder with the left hand, gently moves the arm forwards and backwards to attempts to illicit the pain.

Ultrasound Examination

The next stage in the scenario allows the user to perform an ultrasound examination of the injury. first the doctor holds the gel bottle and squeezes gel on a specific area of the shoulder, where the ultrasound examination will take place then uses the ultrasound probe on specific areas. As the probe is moved an ultrasound image appears simultaneously - changing dynamically.

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PM Training & Assessing

