
Automated Dance Analysis

Ballroom, Latin, Salsa and Swing - Jon Berg knows it all. As a professional dancer and instructor Jon has taught countless people, classes, styles and techniques over his career. With these traditional dance styles came traditional teaching methods. Jon wondered… Can it be done better?

Posture is everything. At times Waltz dancers display perfectly aligned elbows and shoulders. To train for this students are traditionally instructed using a simple metal bar to maintain their elbow-shoulder alignment. Similar techniques exist for other learnings. Jon wanted to know if dance-instructing could be given a much needed update with innovative solutions. Soon Mimic was formed - an SME looking to implement a remote dance tuition service for professional dancers, offered online, reviewed by professional dance tutors and incorporating emerging technology. After getting in touch with our team CEMET and MIMIC we got to work.

Dance Instructing through Motion Capture

The objective - to offer an automated tutor that can capture the dancers movements using motion capture during the dance and compare their body and limb positions with a tutors body and limb position in order to give feedback on their performance. CEMET provided the MVP for the motion capture and data comparison for this project utilising the HTC Vive and trackers/HDK in order to capture accurate body positioning and perform simple comparison to the ideal.

With the MVP being a success Mimic are now on the right foot to start their dance revolution. CEMET is proud to continue to support Jon and the team through the early stages of their development. To find out more about Mimic’s latest work visit their website or follow them via twitter or instagram.


Development Team


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Temporal Junction

