Four Minutes

Saving Lives Through Mixed Reality

Can you save a life in 4 minutes? In the case of a sudden cardiac arrest, you have less than 4 minutes to react before brain damage is likely. CPR training company Four Minutes Limited found that although people were undergoing training for CPR, in real situations they didn’t feel confident to act.

To solve this problem, they teamed up with CEMET to help create a more interactive training solution that would recreate a real-life scenario with the aim of giving people that confidence to act quickly in an emergency situation.  Four Minutes Limited turned to mixed reality to provide a sensory, immersive experience where the participant witnesses a real emergency situation and can take the necessary steps to save a life. 

Approachable Appeal for an Intimidating Situation

They foresee having multiple scenarios to make it relevant to the people they are training to ensure that they are confident to act when faced with a real-life situation. Making CPR training fun, interactive but most importantly improving knowledge retention, accuracy and making sure that they are confident in their ability.

The project uses an HTC Vive Virtual Reality solution with mixed reality sensors for an experience that allows the individual to interact with a real-life CPR training manikin within the virtual world. For more information please visit their website or follow them on twitter @four_minutes_ .

Ongoing Success and Praise

Four Minutes Limited are currently looking for further investment to develop more scenarios and have recently been selected for the next stage of The Duke of York Pitch@Palace boot camp before their second pitch at Buckingham Palace. They have also been short-listed for Wales Tech Start-up of the year 2018.


Development Team


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Protect 2020